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The Artwork of Molly Regan


This is supposed to be my personal art site but I haven't really been drawing a lot lately ( although I should because I have a lot of school projects to do). So this site is going to be a place for more than just my art. I don't exactly know what's to become of my little site but we shall see.

What's New?

I feel so fucking sick today! First, I woke up with a migraine, and if you've ever had one, you know the 7 circles of hell. Then my stomach started acting up so that's made me pretty ill. It's sucked so far, and my mom said I would still have to go to school late, but she had to go to school and won't get back until the day's nearly over so I don't think I'm going. Connie's been pretty depressed lately about her brother( dumb fuck ran away and then got sent to rehab and his parents still gave him a car and aren't making him pay for insurance even after he crashed it! And I know connie's gonna get some piece of shit car that she'll have to pay for herself) but she's been getting back to her old fun self. It was getting a little hard to be around her even thought I love her because it was making me a little upset. Melissa was apparently freaking out yesterday but none of us know over what. I hope she's ok. And Lowery has been really sluggish and slow lately so they thought she had a thyroid problem but it turns out she has hyperthyroid which makes no sense at all. I think she may have accidently said hyper instead of hypo. so that's what's been going on with me.